7AF7 - mu of 16.5, very similar otherwise to a 6SN7 or 6CG7/6FQ7
7B5 - loctal 6K6
7C5 - loctal 6V6GT
7C7 - loctal 6SJ7 (or really close to it!)
7F7 - loctal 6SL7
7F8 - no equivalent, mu of 48, rp of 3300, twin VHF triode, used by jc morrison in his "Siren Song" preamp
as written up in Sound Practices.
7N7 - loctal 6SN7GT
7Z4 - fullwave indirectly heated rectifier, a bit more current capability (100ma./plate) than a 6V4/EZ80. Probably
make a nice preamp rectifier!
All the tubes above use 6.3 volts on the heaters!
Another possibility is the 14XXX series of loctals. Almost all the tubes above are available in 12.6 volt versions. There
is no 14B5 or 14Z4 though.
I have many of these tubes in stock, drop me a note if you are interested!